ROSEMARIE MILLER: I’m Rosemarie Miller and I want to tell you about a new podcast from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.
It’s called Onomatopoeia – Sounds like New York.
Okay, so… What exactly is onomatopoeia?
[TAPE] Man: I honestly cannot remember what that was.
Campus Safety Officer: “Uhh, it was a cartoon show called Hey Arnold. Arnold had to spell onomatopoeia.”
Student: I definitely have learned about this. I forgot.
Young Girl: It means, it means like a sound.
Young Boy: Brrr, grrr.
RM: Onomatopoeia is when something’s named after the sound it makes. What is the sound of New York City? That’s what we’re going to find out. In each episode of Onomatopoeia, we’ll take you to the places and introduce you to the people that sound like New York. We’ll see a psychic, do yoga in the park, tour the city on a boat and eat Russian dumplings in Brighton Beach. We’ll hear from a guy who plays at a show tunes-only piano bar, a lesbian priest who just moved to the city, a drag queen who teaches preschool, a master tap dancer, and so much more.
Onomatopoeia — Sounds like New York. Sixteen reporters, one noisy city. Coming soon, wherever you get your podcasts.